Academic scientist or Science Communicator?

Sagan was right on; I do love science. I know that I am not alone.
You can find some of my reasons for wanting to write science here. As for why I write in general, you can go here. I really hope that God, life, the universe, etc., grant me the joy of having a sound mind for as long as I can, since I truly believe that thinkers cannot retire.
I also love **doing** science and I have said that I feel very fortunate that I am able to practice it. There are a few role models that have influenced me in each of these modes, namely scientist (Wanna know how is my very favorite one? and science writer / science communicator, namely the one and only Isaac Asimov…
Then there are those relatively rare individuals that excel in both. Sagan above is one of them. Another one is Edward O. Wilson.
I want to be like them when I grow up. Wait, I think that ship has sailed.
Thankfully, it does not matter one bit, because I am still curious and I can still think…
I already got a taste of how does it feel to be a published author. I want to do more, and I don’t want to choose between the lab and the printed word.
Any thoughts, pretty please???????????
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  1. Why not do both? As someone in the field who better to communicate what is going on? Sagan did both, and no I do not think your ship has sailed. You have many long years to develop your communication style and get the word out. We need more science communicators. Keep it up, some of us are listening.

  2. I happened to come across this blog as I have become a little enthralled in invertebrate neurobiology… This is because of my insistent need to get a PhD in the area of pain in invertebrates it’s extremely fascinating (sorry I digress) but in researching pain in invertebrates I had to learn more on their neurological makeup and so found this blog, and it is a really interesting read especially that concerning autism. Very eye opening. Thank you.

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