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A nice card from the Bio Club students

I love my students. I especially like when they send me nice messages of encouragement. These take various forms, from emails thanking me for a class (sometimes years after they took it) to a warm handshake the last day of class thanking me for a great course. Trust me on this one; this is one of the things that I, as a professor, live for. It makes me feel appreciated in a field where you are not there to be popular, but to educate. You see, I am friendly enough, but I take my job *very* seriously. Oftentimes, this fact does not make me very popular, but it is also a part of the job. So, whenever I receive “thank you” notes, I treasure and cherish them, and I keep each and every one. This is an example of one.

Well, just yesterday (Feb 6, 2020) I found this beauty in my office’s mailbox:




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