Hello everyone! I hope you and yours are healthy and safe. This year will be the tenth (!) anniversary of this blog. For a variety of reasons that we will talk about at a later date, there is a new chapter of this adventure: I am launching a podcast!
Predictably its name is:

I will talk about the “Why a podcast?” and its story, including thanking a few wonderful people who have helped me in this project in my first episode, but as for the “about”, I will talk about “Science, from the factual to the fictional, and sometimes a bit of both.” I will still talk about planarians (duh!), science in general, science writing, science fiction and its links to biology, including astrobiology, and I will indulge in some other interests, including cryptozoology (of the kind that we can actually research using the tools of science) among other things.
I am also lining up interviews with a very cool group of people; these interviews will come out after the first few episodes of the podcast.
By the way, great logo with a great resemblance to yours truly, dontcha think?

The artist is the one and only @Blackmudpuppy. Find him on Twitter for all your art needs.
The blog will stay active, and I have added an extra page to the website, which reminds me, it is now baldscientist.com. The extra page of my website will contain links to the podcast episodes and linked blog posts with show notes, extra information, etc.
I have a few writing projects in the works as well, so please subscribe to this site, stay tuned, and spread the word!
Thanks for reading (and pretty soon, listening to) me. I am fully aware that in this time and age there are literally millions of other information sources. The fact that you are reading my words warms my heart, so again, thank you.
*Hugs* from your favorite baldscientist,
If you like what I write, kindly spread the word about this blog; I’d really appreciate it.
**You can subscribe to my blog. Just go to the “Home” page, right hand side.
**For a list of all my scientific papers please click HERE.
**I wrote the first chapter on this technical book. And another chapter in this other technical book.
**I have authored two popular science books (so far). For my Amazon author page, click here.
**Here’s my Goodreads author page.
**Want to see more of the things I write? Go here for some other posts.
**Shoot me a message if you have any questions (orpagan@yahoo.com).
**Finally, my Twitter handle: @Baldscientist
**For the customary (and very important) disclaimers please go to my “About” page…