Sigh (I’m doing a lot of it these days). 😔
First, I’d like to say is that I do not wish to generalize and make anyone believe that this post is anti-Christian. Rather, it is very much pro-Christian.
The thing is that what I’ve seen and continue to see in the outgoing government is anything but Christlike, with the added aggravation of hearing some of these same people quote Bible verses and carrying a Bible under their arm.
No thinking person can honestly argue that these people truly believe and/or follow Christ or that they would really expect to be in the literal presence of their God someday. If they truly did, they’d be terrified.
Also, by no means I am including all Christians that I know personally in the category of the kind of people who are directly responsible for the election of a certain person to our highest office, and the metaphorical and literal chaos that our country is in.
However, some of them were undeniably happy with how things came out, showing their uncaring behavior and true face, and I therefore cut the proverbial ties accordingly and permanently…
However, most of the people of the church that I used to attend are truly good people, and I trust that once they see the injustices that are being committed, their integrity will guide their future actions.
I wrote the paragraph above in early 2017 and it saddens me to report that what I hoped never came to pass. NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM said anything remotely similar to “I think I made a mistake” 😔. In fact, just a couple of days ago, my wife had an unpleasant Facebook conversation with a person of my former church who was mocking, yes, mocking people in congress running/hiding in fear for their lives while the events of January 6, 2021 that transpired in the Capitol, were taking place.
So much for Christlike.
It makes me sad/angry/fearful (and all possible permutations)…
~To see my country destroy virtually everything that made it truly great.
~To fear for the safety and the future of my children, my country and my world.
~To think about how the government victimized and still is victimizing children (I can’t bear to say anything else about it 😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬).
~To fear for my own safety because my accent is different.
~To know that it makes no sense to be isolated from the world, and to be certain that we are headed exactly that way. What are we going to do without allies? How can we be so arrogant to think that we can insult left and right and expect to be supported when things get really though? This country is powerful, but not all-powerful, and what are we going to do against the whole world?
*Note added in 2021*: And what about the horrendous response of our country to the pandemic? Three hundred thousand-plus dead (and counting) with the associated suffering of everyone else. I don’t think I need to spell this out.
And in these lines, it saddens and anger me…
~To see how we are becoming the laughingstock of the world. To see the pettiness of the man who holds the highest office of this nation and to see him reduced to a whiny brat. How undignified is that? I really thought that most people were above his vulgar behavior; evidently I was wrong. Many others follow this example.
Make no mistake, The Whole World thinks that Americans are incredibly stupid because of who we elected. If the world does not respect our “highest citizen”, how much regard do we think they’ll have for the rest of us?
Aaaaaand in these lines, it really p****s me off...
~To be absolutely sure that the rejection of properly done science and education will end up eliminating our edge internationally. In the end, results trump (yes, I used the word) politics and money; if something does not work, nobody will buy it, meaning … No money, end of story.
How can we expect economic progress without science, mathematics, and technology? We’ll be truly “left behind”, and not in the way that many of these same people would like. Just look at what I said about the pandemic, above.
It is beyond d the pale to see how so many people respect women so little… and getting away with it, not only privately, but at the level of our very own senators and you-know-who! I just cannot wrap my mind around it. WFT?
We cannot truly believe that all of this was commanded by any benevolent God (I anybody tries to quote scripture to me I will block you away enthusiastically).
When I see a flare-up of our society’s very worst instincts: racism, xenophobia, homophobia, and deeeeeeeeeply misguided nationalism among many others, my heart weeps. This is simply not Godly, and if we think this is Godly, then our true God is politics.
**And again, remember January 6, 2021.**
~There are many more things, but, at the very top of the list, it saddens me to realize that the direction that our country is currently taking was only possible because of the contribution of people…
*Who I thought I knew…
*Who I considered good people, people of good character… It breaks my heart that many of the same people who treated my disabled son with all the dignity and love in the world and who treated my family, well, like family, went along with these politics.
~Who sincerely thought that they were voting for the best candidate for the country, for a series of reasons that may be interpreted as political or religious.
~Who truly believed in the honesty of a group that right now is showing its true face. Please open your eyes!
~Who just did not like the other candidate, again for a variety of reasons, including the bare fact that she was a woman.
~Who simply sold their souls, compromised their integrity, who were willingly blinded and deceived by someone who is everything but a Christian… Again, for the sake of dirtiest of politics.
I must restate that there are still good people everywhere. Many in the very former church of mine that I mourn every day.
And yet, going back to those people nationwide who did go along with the aforementioned dirty politics, I must wonder again, what are they going to do if it turns out that after this life we will all indeed be judged? I hope they realize that if the afterlife is true, all the politics, all the money, all the power, all the lies (yes, they won’t be able to fool anyone “up there”), will not count anymore? They’d better hope that there’s nothing after here, don’t you think? And if they do actually hope that there is nothing after here in order to escape the consequences, what does that make them then? At least they should have the integrity of admitting that they never believed in anything beyond money and power to begin with.
The truth was always self-evident, but they did not seem to care… Earthly politics overrode compassion, common sense, and simple human decency.
Howe er, all those people never made me to stop looking for God, but they made me stop looking for Him in the style of what ostensibly was “Evangelical Christianity”.
I will no longer be searching there, that’s for sure.
I still long for God, I still want to find that faith that I do not currently have, but I am simply not sure where to look for it.m (again, please do not throw scripture at me. It will do way more harm than good).
Apologies for this rambling post, but I am very sad… It hurts, it physically hurts; worse, it hurts my very soul.
However, I still need to speak up, because…
~ I must still hold on to the hope that we will learn from this period in our history.
~I will certainly not forget about what is happening today, especially when it is time to vote for my senators, and I intend to vote in every single electoral activity where I can get my opinion heard.
~I have always been a little naïve, as in “…leave the politics to others”. We’ll, I am done with that. Thankfully I have a pretty decent brain and I think that the time is ripe to use it in things other than science, even if it is only by voicing my opinions to the three and a half people who regularly read this blog.
In conclusion:
***In light of what is happening witb increasing frequency, I reserve the right to report to any and all relevant authorities, any instance of abusive comments or threats, using IP addresses and any other available information.***
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