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My official title is Professor, and yet…

Hello everyone! This is a post that will resonate with my fellow academics, but students at all levels will surely find useful things here as well.

My official title is: Full Professor of Biology. I am also a practicing scientist. But as an academic, I do oh so much more!

For example, every time a student comes to see me to share a problem, ask for advice, etc., I try to find them the professional resources they need in addition to any personal expertise that I possess. That said, most times it is necessary for me to help them “hang in there” while the real help arrives. Thus, oftentimes I act as an unofficial:


Sounding board.



Paternal figure.

Proverbial “kick in the behind” provider to make them see a possible optimal course of action, or when they are doing something unambiguously wrong.

Science guru/sensei/Master Jedi, etc. It’s true what they say: *Nothing* beats experience.


Proverbial pain in the **tt. I tell them things as I see it, no sugarcoating, even when they will not like it.

And many more… Fellow profs, can you think of more?

And you know what? I am happy I am like this, because as a result of being like that, I am proud to say that I have helped.

You see, more than once students who come to me because of falling into academic probation. I see/guide/counsel them into improving their grades, and follow them all the way to graduate and professional schools. How proud do you think does this fact makes me feel?

Granted; not all of them appreciate this; it is human nature. I do not give a flying ***k about how these ones perceive me, as long as they get what they need (a proper education and their degree), as opposed to what they want (sometimes to simply slack off, or to give up for the sake of self pity, or general insecurities, etc.).

Life is not fair. I know of many people who dreamt of going to college and couldn’t do it because of money, health reasons, etc. My students, simple by being able to be there, are privileged. I like pointing this out to them. Oh, and before I forget, this is part of the reason why I dislike the concept of ‘extra credit’!

Mind you, I am never rude or disrespectful to anyone, but I am firm and strict. And if they choose to interpret that as rude, I am sorry to hear that but, so be it; I still don’t give a flying ***k. You see, my personal mission is that the slight fraction of their education that is on me, *will* be done right to the best of my ability.

All of the above and more, also applies to students who go through my research group as scientist apprentices. That requires yet another bunch of alternate roles and skills that yours truly must use: Editor, statistician, hyper-troubleshooter, advocate, guide, shield, etc., etc., etc.

Do I make mistakes? Oh my, God knows I do! But to all my past present, and future students, know this: Yes, I *do* make mistakes; no one is excempt from this (that said, I don’t do many of those anyway); but more importantly, you should always expect from me honesty, good will, and a fierce desire and drive for *you* to succeed.

Incidentally, before you ask, all of this will come in the most important exam that you will ever take: LIFE.

Any questions?


I’m still fixing dead links. If you run into one, please let me know and I will take care of it. Thank you!

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