I am always thinking (In fact, more than once in my life I’ve asked myself “What were you thinking?”, but as usual, I digress…).
Anyway, I have been thinking a lot about time travel lately. I am sure that part of the reason is that I am a fan of Dr. Who and Fringe. More recent sci-fi shows/movies that touch upon time travel, timelines and the consequences of changing the past are extensively touched upon by the Marvel universe (totally geeking out now…).
Anyway, I like my life, warts and all. One of the very reasons why I am happy that time travel does not seem to be possible, is that I would not change one thing about my life, with very few possible exceptions.
Again, I know that as of right now, time travel is an absolute impossibility and I am happy for that. There are plenty of cautionary tales that warn about the unintended consequences of time travel. Also, I truly, really believe that all my life experiences have taught me something and they certainly made me the person I am today, even if I do not always learn my lesson immediately. A wonderful Sci-Fi example of this idea is the Star Trek TNG episode Tapestry; one of the very best, and certainly my favorite.
Therefore, I am happy that there is no time travel as far as I know (nobody would know if the timeline is changed, but that would be another interesting conversation).
That being said, if Dr. Walter Bishop, or even better, The Doctor (the 9th, of course…😊…) would appear out of nowhere (cue TARDIS sounds) and offer me the chance of reliving the past with full knowledge of what is to come, where would I go?
Most definitively, early 2008; no doubt about it. None whatsoever; not a one, oh yeah.
Well, first of all, I’d have my wife, my daughter, and my sons, just as they are; I would not change that part of my life for anything in the world and I’d defend it up to my last breath.
I’d have my current job, doing what I absolutely love, research, teaching, and writing, and my research would be well under way; I’d also defend these things with almost the same strength as above.
I’d take even better care of myself.
I would talk waaaaaaaaay more with my dad, and of course, I’d try to prevent the events that led to his passing. I’d do the same with Lisa’s dad. Those two men taught me oh so much!
I’d still be working with flatworms, which led me to write my first book, and therefore helped me discover my love for writing.
I would try to learn more from a sadly departed friend and colleague,, especially how to work with his “home-made” confocal microscope (yes, he built it himself).
I’d have more conversations with my PhD advisor.
And I would definitively, surely, absolutely change some things from the date above onwards, I would try to get to know better a few people, and I’d certainly avoid even meeting certain individuals who are simply bad people (and no, I will not say who, but not too many, just a couple; three at the most…).
Yep, most definitively three, and I am sure that if any of them read this, they will know I am talking about them, and even though you truly hurt me, I survived, and I actually forgive you. That said, I haven’t heard from them in years; now THAT’S a sacred timeline that I don’t want to change 😊.
Beyond personal considerations, though, sometimes I indulge in thought experiments about timelines, some of these thoughts are spontaneous, and some come by reading a book passage, etc.
Here’s one:
If I could change five historical facts, without timeline consequences (I know that’s not possible, by the way) they would be in no particular order, without any intention of ascribing importance:
1. Slavery.
2. The burning of the library of Alexandria and similar events, like the destruction of Mayan codices by the Catholic church.
3. The division and colonization of Africa, the Middle East, and America by the Europeans.
4. The Holocaust or any other genocide-like atrocities.
5. The Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear destruction.
What would you change?

Picture credits: www.futuredude.com; coolspotters.com; Baldscientist.
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