Site icon Baldscientist

Checking in

Hi, it’s been a while!

I hope that you, the two and a half faithful readers of Baldscientist, are well. All’s better on my side of this life. It has been a difficult year in more ways than one, but things are looking up.

Our “children” (32, 25, and almost 22!) are well, happy, and thriving, Mrs. Baldscientist and I are well (as is our almost 12 year old pupper, Ginger!), and our family is being blessed by someone who I strongly think will be a wonderful Son in Law 😃. I am also happy that my mind is enjoying thinking science again, not as much for work, but for pleasure.

I’d like to, maybe, “ignite” a soft restart of the blog, and perhaps the podcast. I’m thinking short pieces with news about my research and my books (there’s exciting developments in both areas!), and as always, some of my random thoughts lol. Suggestions welcome!

BTW, I left Twi…, I mean, “X” (ridiculous name, I know) for good many months ago, but you may get in touch with me here.

What say you? Should I rekindle our conversations?

Hope to talk soon.



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