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RE: Pagán Lab Rules 2025

Hello! this is the semi “whenever I feel like it” update to my research group rules. Do you like the header above?


RE: Pagán Lab Rules 2025

Welcome to the Pagán Laboratory!

Thank you for joining our research group. I hope to provide an environment to help you achieve your academic and professional goals while impressing a fascination for the natural world and the excitement of scientific research.

First and foremost, if in doubt, ask!


You will break things.

You will spill stuff.

You will kill worms.

It’s absolutely OK!

Our Mission. The “main mission” of the Pagán Laboratory is to explore the complexities of the nervous system from a pharmacological perspective, emphasizing the discovery of natural or synthetic substances that could eventually help alleviate neurological conditions. We are also interested in the pharmacology of regeneration. Our primary animal model is the planarian, but we may use others depending on specific projects.

Civility. Conflicts will likely arise in our group, as it is human nature. This being said, I expect every research group member to be polite and respectful. Rude behavior/gossip will not be tolerated. Also, treat every research/lab-related conversation as CONFIDENTIAL. This point is critical when talking about our unpublished research. As per university and personal policy, you must report any instance of alleged harassment to me. I will take the appropriate steps to eliminate any problems.

General lab policies

Common computer. There is a desktop in the “Student Lounge” of our lab. When login on, please only use the login information posted on it. If you log on with your personal WCU account, you (or anyone else) will not have access to the data files or the software that we use.

Research / Publications 

We’ll talk more soon. In the meantime, again, welcome to the lab, thank you for being one of us, and please do not hesitate to talk to me if you have any questions. 


Dr. Pagán


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