Blogging… Great quotes by great thinkers: Blaise Pascal 23 Jul 2017 (:-D ~~~ **If you like what I write, kindly spread the word about this blog! I am very interested in growing my audience. Would you consider subscribing? It's free!!! (See…
Blogging… I’m still afraid for my science – 2017 Edition 21 Jul 2017 2017 Update: How many times will I need to update this post? In the five years since my original post, things have gone worse, way worse. When will the American…
Autism… Baldscientist’s Blog 11 Jun 2017 Hi Everyone! I am trying to increase my blog's audience, and I need your feedback and help. What is (are) your preferred topic (s) here? What would you like to…
Autism… Baldscientist’s Blog: Updated look 4 Jun 2017 Updated look and more information on my upcoming projects! Check it out at Share away, pretty please? Thanks! (:-D ~~~ **If you like what I write, kindly spread the…
Blogging… My next book! 2 Jun 2017 Strange Survivors: How Organisms Attack and Defend in the Game of Life BenBella Books (February 27, 2018) ISBN-13: 978-1944648589 ISBN-10: 1944648585 From the publisher: “In the evolutionary arms race that…
Biodiversity… Happy Darwin Day 2017 11 Feb 2017 Happy Darwin day! For Darwin Day 2017. I bet you did not know that Darwin studied planarians too! He did, and the above quote is just a small sample of…
Blogging… When you sell your soul to the lowest bidder 9 Feb 2017 The very first thing that I’d like to say is that I do not wish to generalize and make anyone believe that this post is anti-Christian. Rather, it is very much…
Blogging… A little bit about me, some of my favorite books, and a couple of shameless plugs… 12 Jan 2017 A few years ago I was honored by the invitation to contribute to a now defunct blog, the 5readsblog. The idea was great, and I even saw the favorite five…
Biology… This is what writers live for… A story about “The First Brain” 27 Nov 2016 Hello again! I wanted to tell you a wonderful story that warms my heart as an educator as well as a writer. It is about my book The First Brain. I have…
Biodiversity… The Biodiversity of the Universe – 2018 edition 22 May 2016 I am fully aware that life as we know it, as it is manifested on Earth, is by far represented by microorganisms. Bacteria and related organisms are the ones that…
Blogging… I’m still afraid for my science – 2017 Edition 30 Apr 2016 2017 Update: How many times will I need to update this post? In the five years since my original post, things have gone worse, way worse. When will the American…
Biology… “Miseducation” in 140 characters or less 12 Mar 2016 Last night I had a lot of fun, quite unexpectedly too. It all started when Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson tweeted this: Now, I never followed him until last night, so…
Blogging… Of Blogging and Friendships 19 Feb 2016 This is a rather short post with some thoughts that I had today on the title's topic... True friendships are a blessing. They are also rare, and highly dependent on…
Biology… Great quotes by great scientists – V.S. Ramachandran 7 Feb 2016 It's been a while since I have posted a "great quote by a great scientist". Enjoy! (:-)... ~~ **If you like what I write, kindly spread the word about…
Biology… Autistic monkeys 26 Jan 2016 “The laboratory monkeys run obsessively in circles, largely ignore their peers and grunt anxiously when stared at.” (My Italics and bold face) This is the very first line of a…
Biochemistry… A few biological mysteries that really baffle me 22 Feb 2015 Biology is a part of science that does not lack mystery. In fact, I think that the less "mathematical" a branch of science is, the more mystery is bound to…
Blogging… Happy birthday Carl Sagan! 9 Nov 2014 Today, one of my scientific heroes would have celebrated his 80th birthday. Happy Birthday, Carl Sagan. He was what I aspire to be, a practicing scientist and science communicator. He…
Biology… The exceptions of biology: square "bacteria" 18 Oct 2014 This is a very short post with something curious that I found... Whenever we think "bacteria", most of us immediately think of diseases, or, if you are a biologist or…
Books… Some aspects of the evolution of "The First Brain" 29 Sep 2014 Yes, this is yet another post about my book...(:-)... I found some old notes and my first scribbles about the epilogue. I wanted to share them with you... I recently…
Biology… Planarian pharmacology and toxicology research is taking off! (:-D) 9 Sep 2014 In a previous post (two years ago - 2012 - , almost at the point of my book publication), I explored the current trends on planarian pharmacology and toxicology (and…