Blogging Book Burning 4 Jan 2014 I am upset; a little more than upset, actually. My friend Martin J. Clemens of the Paranormal People Blog sent me a link today about a book and document burning…
Blogging Attention Bookworms! 1 Jan 2014 I recently found through my friend, fellow blogger and curious mind, MJC, from the Paranormal People blog a new, really cool blog with a fresh, novel approach, the 5readsblog. It…
Blogging Plantimals – An update 26 Dec 2013 This is an update on the post below, which described some examples of organisms that are at the same time heterotrophs (organisms that need to eat other organisms to survive)…
Blogging Merry Chris… wait, Happy Holi… wait; well, just read the card … O_o … 21 Dec 2013 ~~ Want to see more of the things I write? Go here for some other posts. For my Amazon author page, click here. Shoot me a message if you have…
Blogging Respect the Theory, do not fear the facts 11 Dec 2013August 10, 2021 This post represents a milestone for the Baldscientist blog. This is a collaboration with another great blog, Peter Cawdron's Thinking Sci-Fi. ~~~~~ There are two deeply misunderstood and most unfairly…
Blogging Book Review – Astrobiology: A very short introduction 28 Nov 2013 Astrobiology: A very short introduction - D.C. Catling 2013 Oxford University Press David C. Caitling is a planetary scientist at the University of Washington at Seattle. He has an impressive…
Blogging Science in my Fiction: Of robots and the connectome 25 Nov 2013 To see my latest post for the good people of the Science in my Fiction blog click here. (:-)
Blogging Planarian Behavior Measurement – Motility 22 Nov 2013 ‘‘Under carefully controlled experimental circumstances, an animal will behave as it damned well pleases.’’ -Harvard Law of Animal Behavior** Planarians are a rising star in pharmacology and neuroscience research. In…
Blogging Planarian pic 22 Nov 2013 Being the Sci Fi fan that I am, you will not be surprised to learn that this picture is titled: "Planarian caught in a wormhole! Ahhhhhhhhh!" (:-D)
Blogging What is life? (Spoiler alert: nobody knows) 10 Nov 2013 “Just as the colors of a rainbow merge imperceptibly one into another, the transition to life from nonlife is a seamless continuum” J.W. Schopf I teach a variety of…
Blogging The Paganization Procedure 6 Nov 2013 It is not easy being a research advisor if you are a nice guy. As an advisor, it is my responsibility to say "No" when I feel that a certain…
Blogging Planarians and nicotine paper 5 Nov 2013 Hello all! Since you now know a little bit about dose-response relationships you are ready for my summary of the next planarian pharmacology paper, coming soon! A cembranoid from tobacco…
Blogging A little bit of pharmacology: Dose-response relationships 4 Nov 2013 Pharmacology is essentially the study of drugs, legal or otherwise. It has a little sister, toxicology, which has a slightly wider scope, as it also deals with substances that we…
Blogging Do planarians need their brain to react to abused drugs? Well, it depends on the drug… 2 Nov 2013September 1, 2020 This is my first post specifically on one of the papers from my laboratory. As an introduction, I want to remind you that I use planarians in pharmacology research. The…
Blogging Planarian pharmacology 2 Nov 2013 Would you, loyal readers, like to see a few posts on my own research on planarian pharmacology?
Biochemistry… What does the title “Doctor” really mean? 22 Oct 2013September 11, 2023 One does not absolutely need mentors to succeed in life (I stand corrected; see comments), particularly in scientific life, but a good mentor makes the process much easier! I was…
Blogging List of X Guest Post: 10 Things Most People Learned About Science From Watching TV 8 Oct 2013 List of X is a very funny blog dedicated to funny, made-up lists. Even its "About" page is really funny! Why don't you check it out? More importantly, the List…
Blogging Consistently stupid thoughts from a world-class mind 7 Oct 2013 Ladies and gentlemen, Dr. James D. Watson does it again! I do not know whether to laugh or laugh (yes, I said that). I do not think that I need…
Biology… Things I wish my graduate students did, or did not do, oh well, I don’t know… 22 Sep 2013September 6, 2020 Note: Featured image credit: Piled Higher and Deeper" by Jorge Cham -, used by permission. ~~~ I recently saw a funny, yet right on point post by Dr. Lisa Wade…