Biology… An oldie but a goddie, for those of you who are new to Baldscientist 28 Sep 2012 An oldie but a goddie, for those of you who are new to Baldscientist. Planarians in science fiction? Feel free to check my About page and to "Like" Baldscientist in…
Biology… Why I use planaria in my research 24 Apr 2012 Life has a way of surprising you. If you had asked me ten years ago what type of research I'd be doing now I would probably have said something like…
Biology… Brain Awareness Week at Philadelphia 18 Mar 2012 Last Thursday I volunteered at a very interesting national event, the Brain Awareness Week (BAW). The BAW is “…an inspirational global campaign that unites those who share an interest in…
Biology… Of planaria and . . . Elephants? 11 Feb 2012 I love the world wide web. For better or worse, today it is easier than ever to obtain information. This is especially important for science, because in science, information is…
Biology… Of planaria and cocaine 8 Oct 2011 In my last post, I introduced you to one of my favorite kind of critters, the planarians, and went over some aspects of the changes in behavior that are induced…
Biology… Playing with wormies 23 Sep 2011 In a recent entry, I talked about animal models in biomedical research. I would like to share with you one of my favorite research subjects, a particular type of invertebrates…