Pre-book signing talk (video link)

Hello again! Following up in this adventure, I am posting a link to a 13-ish minutes long video (thanks Vanessa!) of the talk I gave before the book signing at the Chester County Book and Music company last Friday the 13 (good luck for me).
I would love some feedback, as I am thinking about creating a much shorter (5-ish minutes) to specifically talk about The First Brain. What do you think?
If I may, even though I realize that surely there is room for improvement, I need to say it, I love my accent!
I feel so grateful for all these things that are happening in my life. This has been a difficult semester to say the least and I am truly feeling better. Thank you all for reading (and now listening to) me!
You can get to the video by clicking here,
Go here:
Enter this search in YouTube: Book signing TFB June 13, 2014

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  1. Hello One`, I watched the youtube vid. I enjoyed it. I saw a lot of lab-oriented passion. I believe orienting your target audience with that passion is key. (As someone who once spent hours performing organic synthesis I wanted to do nothing more than portray that excitement to an eager audience.) I believe you have achieved what many of us have not been able to do–convey the excitement of lab work. Many want the sizzle and won’t stay for the main course.
    Presentation style is very good. Engaging audience very good. Use of technology is very good. Your accent is great.
    What I believe it may take it to raise it to the another level is the managerial side of a research.It is the soft approach—salesmanship. I could tell from your presentation that you care a lot about your students and the research. The honesty is there… but the average joe does not identify with all types of lab work. To me it is a sad testament to our present society to not elevate laboratory work to a level that it deserves.
    By giving all sides of lab work—I believe you may gain a wider audience. I hope to hear from you. Best, John Jaksich

  2. I did not think about that! In fact, it may be the basis for a couple additional short videos. In all honesty, I do love research, but my favorite part is analyzing the data. It is true that sometimes lab work is tedious, but as I said, the results make up for it. You know? It is a little bit like working out; at first it is hard, for me at least it is always tedious, but if you keep at it the end results are worth it. As always, thanks for your comment…

Thanks for your comment. I will do my best to reply soon; be nice!