Planarian pharmacology and toxicology research is taking off! (:-D)

In a previous post (two years ago – 2012 – , almost at the point of my book publication), I explored the current trends on planarian pharmacology and toxicology (and published the data in chapter 10 of my book). I decided to somewhat update it given the many papers that have recently been published in the area. I went as far as July, 2014.
As before, I used Pubmed (, this time with this specific search:
(planaria or planarian or planarians or planarias) and (pharmacology or pharmacological or toxicology or toxicological)
This time I decided to express the numbers as the number of papers per year. Maybe in a future post I will dissect the data into averages, etc. For now here is a graph that clearly indicates that the field is really gaining popularity. This is rewarding and incredibly exciting! I will keep you posted…
planarian research pharm tox jul2014
Credit: Baldscientist
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