Random Musings: Autism and Spirituality – “Almost normal”

I am prone to bouts of nostalgia. Here’s a post originally published in 2012…
Without dismissing or belittling the suffering and feelings of severely sick or mentally / physically disabled individuals and their parents, I think that the reality of high-functioning autism is particularly poignant. At some level, high-functioning autistics know that they are different; different in a way that does not allow them to “fit in”. They live in the constantly moving frontier between what is “normal” and what is not. To make things worse, they have not a clue about how to fix it, and they do suffer for it. People with autism generally lack many of the cognitive tools that people use to interact with others, like detecting subtle (or even not so subtle) social clues, being aware of what is appropriate or inappropriate, etc., but make no mistake, the feelings are all there… In many happy cases, they are able to live rich lives. In many other cases, not so much.
As everyone, they want to be a part of “it”. Humans crave companionship and validation, it is our nature. Think about teenagers; autistic or not, they desperately want to be accepted, to feel that they belong.
All of this sometimes makes me think that absolutely everyone, at any given point in life, has a certain degree of autism when dealing with spiritual matters. In this sense, are we all “almost normal“? Do we all have some awareness of a higher reality that we do not quite grasp, that we do not quite understand, while at the same time passionately, desperately, wanting to be a part of it?
Would you tell me what do you think about this?
All the best,
one sig tkc
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1 Comment

  1. My son is truly aware that he has a difficult time fitting in. Yet he often mentions how confused he is regarding how to handle the uncomfortable situation. Which is, in my view as a mother, the source of his greatest frustration and anxiety.

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