My mind is not quite here.

My beautiful followers (all 3.5 of you), I hope you and yours are healthy and safe.

I am writing these words on January 11, 2021; I don’t think I have to tell you about the events of the last few days. Events that are still unfolding.


And the pandemic is still going strong, in no small part because of those who… Well, I don’t want to curse, so I’ll stop right there

Sigh and a half.

What can I tell you? My anxiety and worry are full throttle. I worry about the safety of my family, my own, my friends, my state, my country, and yes, the safety of whole freaking world.

I am trying to push myself, I really am, but it is, in a phrase that I used not long ago, like driving with the emergency brakes on, and I can smell the brakes burning.

I hope you forgive me because my blog and my podcast are taking an unscheduled mini hiatus. Also, even though I will not go missing (completely) from social media, the little work drive that I have right now will be best used for more formal projects.

Please accept a big brotherly/fatherly hug, from me.

Please be safe.


P.S. Wear a freaking mask.

P.S. 2. To get in touch with me, please go here.



  1. Gee, I wish I could reassure you that everything is ok but I cannot. I would worry about you if you were not experiencing anxiety. There is evil in this world, we have seen plenty of that but there is also good. Be good and kind. Promote the truth. Evil tends to have its way when good people forget who they are. Remember, dear friend, who you are.

Thanks for your comment. I will do my best to reply soon; be nice!